Masters of University of Geneva

The Master in
Conference interpreting

aims to train future conference interpreters in simultaneous and consecutive interpreting. This specialised programme also covers everything that budding interpreters need to know about parliamentary procedure, international organisations, and interpreting theory.  

Just like elite sports players, students train in small groups. They are supported throughout the process by their trainers, conference interpreters themselves, be it in the FTI interpreting rooms, or during inactive booth and observation visits to international organisations or supranational institutions. The department’s cutting-edge communication technologies and top-of-the-range equipment perfectly prepare our future interpreters for the demands of the profession.

Students choose from a range of languages, selected with the requirements of the profession in mind. 

With this tailored programme, students benefit from the first-hand knowledge of experienced interpreters to ensure that successful graduates enter the market with their best foot forward.

The Master in
Conference interpreting

aims to train future conference interpreters in simultaneous and consecutive interpreting. This specialised programme also covers everything that budding interpreters need to know about parliamentary procedure, international organisations, and interpreting theory.  

Just like elite sports players, students train in small groups. They are supported throughout the process by their trainers, conference interpreters themselves, be it in the FTI interpreting rooms, or during inactive booth and observation visits to international organisations or supranational institutions. The department’s cutting-edge communication technologies and top-of-the-range equipment perfectly prepare our future interpreters for the demands of the profession.

Students choose from a range of languages, selected with the requirements of the profession in mind. 

With this tailored programme, students benefit from the first-hand knowledge of experienced interpreters to ensure that successful graduates enter the market with their best foot forward.

Programme length

1.5 years (3 semesters)

Languages of instruction

French, English and the languages in the student's chosen combination.

Conditions of registration

Admission Conditions

A Bachelor in Multilingual Communication from the FTI or another university in the same branch of study, bachelor or another degree deemed to be equivalent in other branch of study. In addition, students must pass an entrance exam and have an excellent command of the languages in their chosen combination.

Successful admission exam (distance examination).


Registration deadline for FTI entrance examinations: 3 October 2023

Deadline for enrolment at the University: 30 April 2024
(28 February 2024 for applicants subject to a visa because of their nationality, as set forth in Swiss federal regulations)

The Master in Conference interpreting

3 semesters (max. 5 semesters) | 90 ECTS credits
Thematic courses (80 credits):
  • International organisations, parliamentary procedures and terminology
  • Readings in interpretation theory
  • Consecutive interpreting
  • Simultaneous interpreting
  • Real-life observation and practice
  • Interpreting technologies
Master's thesis (10 credits)

Applicants must choose 2, 3 or 4 languages for their combination, based on the languages offered at the FTI: German, Arabic, Spanish, French, Italian, English, Portuguese and Russian. Your language combination must include your mother tongue or language of education, as well as one active language, or two or three other languages, which can be active or passive. Language combinaison should be designated as active or passive based on your proficiency in each language and must include English.


Student testimonials

Professional Prospects

The training received at FTI opens up a number of opportunities in both the public and private sectors. Upon the completion of their studies, students of the interpreting stream may find work in-house or as freelance interpreters in a large number of areas and professions, such as international organisations, NGOs, publishing, translation agencies, administration, documentation centres, research institutes, banking, insurance, courts, the media and teaching, etc.

Interpreters are often required to travel.

Contact information

Bachelor, Mobility, Doctorate
Mr Olivier Demissy-Cazeilles
T. +41 (0)22 379 95 66
[javascript protected email address] 

MNicole Stoll
T. +41 (0)22 379 87 07
[javascript protected email address]


The three Masters in

offer high-level professional training. At the end of their degree, students will be able to translate texts and specialised documents into their native language, or language of education. Our programmes help them develop the necessary skills (textual, thematic, strategic, sociolinguistic and technical) to apply the right translation strategies in every context. Throughout their studies, students will further develop their analysis and research skills, as well as reflect on the act of translation. Students can choose from three different concentrations: specialised translation, translation and technologies and specialised multilingual communication.

provides training in legal and economic/financial translation. Some of our language units also offer courses in scientific/technical and literary translation. Students also have the option of specialising further, with concentrations available in "legal and institutional translation", "economic and financial translation" and "translation studies".  Students must participate in a seminar to help develop their professional skills, in addition to finding an internship during their studies (this does not apply to students specialising in translation studies, which paves the way for an academic career).

Students who elect to do THE MASTER IN TRANSLATION AND TECHNOLOGIES will emerge as versatile translators who are skilled in multilingual engineering and the latest translation technology. This programme is based on three major topics: translation software tools, terminology, and localisation and project management. Courses are varied and geared towards both professional and research purposes. Students may also further specialise, with concentrations available in "Terminology", and "Localisation and Machine Translation".

enables future translators to develop their analytical, linguistic, intercultural and teamwork skills to carry out specialised multilingual communication projects. It combines training in translation with corporate communication (multilingual finance and marketing), multimedia communication (web, localisation and audiovisual translation) and language management (language policy and diversity management).


The three Masters in

offer high-level professional training. At the end of their degree, students will be able to translate texts and specialised documents into their native language, or language of education. Our programmes help them develop the necessary skills (textual, thematic, strategic, sociolinguistic and technical) to apply the right translation strategies in every context. Throughout their studies, students will further develop their analysis and research skills, as well as reflect on the act of translation. Students can choose from three different concentrations: specialised translation, translation and technologies and specialised multilingual communication.

provides training in legal and economic/financial translation. Some of our language units also offer courses in scientific/technical and literary translation. Students also have the option of specialising further, with concentrations available in "legal and institutional translation", "economic and financial translation" and "translation studies".  Students must participate in a seminar to help develop their professional skills, in addition to finding an internship during their studies (this does not apply to students specialising in translation studies, which paves the way for an academic career).

Students who elect to do THE MASTER IN TRANSLATION AND TECHNOLOGIES will emerge as versatile translators who are skilled in multilingual engineering and the latest translation technology. This programme is based on three major topics: translation software tools, terminology, and localisation and project management. Courses are varied and geared towards both professional and research purposes. Students may also further specialise, with concentrations available in "Terminology", and "Localisation and Machine Translation".

enables future translators to develop their analytical, linguistic, intercultural and teamwork skills to carry out specialised multilingual communication projects. It combines training in translation with corporate communication (multilingual finance and marketing), multimedia communication (web, localisation and audiovisual translation) and language management (language policy and diversity management).


Programme length

1 passive language: 1.5 years (3 semesters)

2 or 3 passive languages: 2 years (4 semesters)

Languages of instruction

Courses are taught in your A language. Those that are common to all language units are taught in English or French.

Conditions of registration

Admission Conditions

A Bachelor in Multilingual Communication from the FTI, provided that your language combination remains the same. Bachelor or a degree in a similar field may be deemed to be equivalent, provided that your language combination does not change. Additional courses may be required depending on your previous studies.
Applicants who hold other university degrees must pass an entrance examination.


Registration deadline for FTI entrance examinations: 28 February 2024

Deadline for enrolment at the University: 30 April 2024
(28 February 2024 for applicants subject to a visa because of their nationality, as set forth in Swiss federal regulations)

The three Masters in Translation

1 passive language: 
3 semesters (max. 5 semesters) | 90 ECTS credits
2 or 3 passive languages: 
4 semesters (max. 6 semesters) | 120 ECTS credits

Mandatory courses common to all concentrations:

44, 60 or 68 credits (depending of the number of passive languages)

  • Reasoned translation, editing and post-editing
  • Translation studies
  • Fields of expertise
  • Translation technology
  • Specialised translation
Mandatory courses depending on your concentration:

16 to 28 credits

  • Translation and Specialised Multilingual Communication
  • Translation and Technologies
  • Specialised Translation
  • Professional skills and experience, including a seminar and an internship

0 to 12 credits
Choose from courses taught at the FTI, other UNIGE faculties, or other universities in Switzerland or abroad.

Master's thesis:
24 credits

Your A language, or active language, is your mother tongue or language of education. Your B languages are your passive languages. The languages offered at the FTI are German, English, Arabic, Spanish, French, Italian and Russian (only as a B language). Applicants must select 1, 2 or 3 passive languages for the MA in Specialised Translation and the MA in Translation and Specialised Multilingual Communication. For the MA in Specialised Communication with a concentration in "legal and institutional translation", "economic and financial translation" or "translation studies", as well as the MA in Translation and Technologies, students are limited to a maximum of 2 passive languages. 



Student testimonials


Students may go on exchange to another university upon the completion of 60 credits.

Professional Prospects

Our Master's programmes prepare students for careers in both the public and private sectors. After their degree, they have the possibility of finding in-house positions or setting up a freelance career. Our programmes open the doors to many different types of professional activities and careers: international organisations, NGOs, associations, sports federations, publishing houses, translation agencies, public administration, documentation centres, research institutes, banks, insurance, courts, media, teaching, etc.

Contact information

Bachelor, Mobility, Doctorate
Mr Olivier Demissy-Cazeilles
T. +41 (0)22 379 95 66
[javascript protected email address]

Ms Nicole Stoll
T. +41 (0)22 379 87 07
[javascript protected email address]

The Master in
Master's degree in translation and communication technologies

is geared towards people who are passionate about both languages and computer science. This programme will help you develop the necessary technical and linguistic skills to handle multilingual information, for example by creating websites in multiple languages, managing writing, translation or localisation projects, using translation technology, managing terminology, or conducting multilingual information research. It does not matter what your native language is, but you must be able to work in French and English.

This programme is based on four main subjects: translation project management and quality control (develop, carry out and evaluate multilingual projects); information and communication technology (finding and handling multilingual information); localisation and webmastering (creating multilingual content online); and translation technology (implementing and evaluating translation technology, and managing terminology). It includes a wide variety of theoretical and practical courses that are strongly rooted in the professional world. The programme includes a mandatory internship, as well as a master's thesis, which provides an introduction to research work and can be related to your internship.

The Master in
Master's degree in translation and communication technologies

is geared towards people who are passionate about both languages and computer science. This programme will help you develop the necessary technical and linguistic skills to handle multilingual information, for example by creating websites in multiple languages, managing writing, translation or localisation projects, using translation technology, managing terminology, or conducting multilingual information research. It does not matter what your native language is, but you must be able to work in French and English.

This programme is based on four main subjects: translation project management and quality control (develop, carry out and evaluate multilingual projects); information and communication technology (finding and handling multilingual information); localisation and webmastering (creating multilingual content online); and translation technology (implementing and evaluating translation technology, and managing terminology). It includes a wide variety of theoretical and practical courses that are strongly rooted in the professional world. The programme includes a mandatory internship, as well as a master's thesis, which provides an introduction to research work and can be related to your internship.

Programme length

1.5 years (3 semesters)

Languages of instruction

French and English

Conditions of registration

Admission Conditions

A Bachelor in Multilingual Communication from the FTI, or a Bachelor degree from another university in multilingual communication, translation, communication, linguistics, computer science, or arts, or any other type of diploma, provided that you have obtained credits for at least one courses in language engineering, translation technology, or information and communication technology.
C1 certificate for English.
B2 certificate for French.

Admission is based on your application file.


Registration deadline for FTI entrance examinations: 28 February 2024

Deadline for enrolment at the University: 30 April 2024
(28 February 2024 for applicants subject to a visa because of their nationality, as set forth in Swiss federal regulations)


The Master in Master's degree in translation and communication technologies

3 semesters (max. 5 semesters) | 90 ECTS credits

Mandatory courses (28 credits):
  • Project management and quality control
  • Web and multimedia technology
  • Information and communication technology
  • XML and multilingual documents
  • Language engineering
  • Localisation
  • Research methodology
Required electives (20 credits):
  • Computer-assisted translation
  • Machine translation 1- Systems and architecture
  • Machine translation 2 - Pre-editing, post-editing and evaluation
  • Translation corpora
  • Terminology
  • Terminotics
Free electives (20 credits):
  • Audiovisual translation
  • Specialised written communication A
  • Specialised written communication B (in English)
  • Internship related to translation technology
  • Another UNIGE course in communication, computational linguistics or computer science
Master's thesis (22 credits)

Professional Prospects

This programme opens the door to a wide variety of professions in fast-growing industries, including translation technology, the internet, localisation, communication and knowledge management.

Contact information

Bachelor, Mobility, Doctorate
Mr Olivier Demissy-Cazeilles
T. +41 (0)22 379 95 66
[javascript protected email address]

MNicole Stoll
T. +41 (0)22 379 87 07
[javascript protected email address]


The Master in
Master's degree in translation and communication technologies with a specialization in digital technology

is geared towards people who are passionate about both languages and computer science. This programme will help you develop the necessary technical and linguistic skills to handle multilingual information, for example by creating websites in multiple languages, managing writing, translation or localisation projects, using translation technology, managing terminology, or conducting multilingual information research. It does not matter what your native language is, but you must be able to work in French and English.

This programme is based on four main subjects: translation project management and quality control (develop, carry out and evaluate multilingual projects); information and communication technology (finding and handling multilingual information); localisation and webmastering (creating multilingual content online); and translation technology (implementing and evaluating translation technology, and managing terminology). It includes a wide variety of theoretical and practical courses that are strongly rooted in the professional world. The programme includes a mandatory internship, as well as a master's thesis, which provides an introduction to research work and can be related to your internship.

The Master in
Master's degree in translation and communication technologies with a specialization in digital technology

is geared towards people who are passionate about both languages and computer science. This programme will help you develop the necessary technical and linguistic skills to handle multilingual information, for example by creating websites in multiple languages, managing writing, translation or localisation projects, using translation technology, managing terminology, or conducting multilingual information research. It does not matter what your native language is, but you must be able to work in French and English.

This programme is based on four main subjects: translation project management and quality control (develop, carry out and evaluate multilingual projects); information and communication technology (finding and handling multilingual information); localisation and webmastering (creating multilingual content online); and translation technology (implementing and evaluating translation technology, and managing terminology). It includes a wide variety of theoretical and practical courses that are strongly rooted in the professional world. The programme includes a mandatory internship, as well as a master's thesis, which provides an introduction to research work and can be related to your internship.

Programme length

2 years (4 semesters)

Languages of instruction

French and English

Conditions of registration

Admission Conditions

A Bachelor in Multilingual Communication from the FTI, or a Bachelor degree from another university in multilingual communication, translation, communication, linguistics, computer science, or arts, or any other type of diploma, provided that you have obtained credits for at least one courses in language engineering, translation technology, or information and communication technology.
C1 certificate for English.
B2 certificate for French.

Admission is based on your application file.


Registration deadline for FTI entrance examinations: 28 February 2024

Deadline for enrolment at the University: 28 February 2024

The Master in Master's degree in translation and communication technologies with a specialization in digital technology

4 semesters (max. 6 semesters) | 120 ECTS credits
Mandatory courses (28 credits):
  • Project management and quality control
  • Web and multimedia technology
  • Information and communication technology
  • XML and multilingual documents
  • Language engineering
  • Localisation
  • Research methodology
Required electives (20 credits):
  • Computer-assisted translation
  • Machine translation 1- Systems and architecture
  • Machine translation 2 - Pre-editing, post-editing and evaluation
  • Translation corpora
  • Terminology
  • Terminotics
Free electives (20 credits):
  • Audiovisual translation
  • Specialised written communication A
  • Specialised written communication B (in English)
  • Internship related to translation technology
  • Another UNIGE course in communication, computational linguistics or computer science
Master's thesis (22 credits)
Mandatory Module provide by Computer Science Center:
  • Communication networks
  • Information systems and services modelling
  • Databases
  • Programming languages seminar
  • Human-computer interface
  • Semantic web technologies
  • Machine learning
  • Empirical methods in language processing

Professional Prospects

This programme opens the door to a wide variety of professions in fast-growing sectors of the language industry.

Contact information

Bachelor, Mobility, Doctorate
Mr Olivier Demissy-Cazeilles
T. +41 (0)22 379 95 66
[javascript protected email address]

MNicole Stoll
T. +41 (0)22 379 87 07
[javascript protected email address]