Masters of University of Geneva

The Master of
Dental Medicine

offers in-depth training in the following fields: preventative dental medicine, oral medicine and pathology, oral surgery, dento-maxillo-facial radiology, cariology, endodontics, dental care for children, orthodontics, fixed prosthesis, gnathology, periodontics, dental biomaterials, gerodontology and partial dentures. This course offers a pathway to the Federal Diploma in Dental Surgery.

In accordance with the law on health-care professions (LpMed), all examinations take place on a faculty level, with the exception of those that take place after conferral of the Master's degree, which are federal and common to all Swiss medicine faculties (Federal Examination in Human Medicine - EFMH).

The Master of
Dental Medicine

offers in-depth training in the following fields: preventative dental medicine, oral medicine and pathology, oral surgery, dento-maxillo-facial radiology, cariology, endodontics, dental care for children, orthodontics, fixed prosthesis, gnathology, periodontics, dental biomaterials, gerodontology and partial dentures. This course offers a pathway to the Federal Diploma in Dental Surgery.

In accordance with the law on health-care professions (LpMed), all examinations take place on a faculty level, with the exception of those that take place after conferral of the Master's degree, which are federal and common to all Swiss medicine faculties (Federal Examination in Human Medicine - EFMH).

Programme length

2 years (4 semesters)

Language of instruction

Working knowledge of English required for reading scientific texts.

Enrolment and Admission Conditions


Deadline for candidates that hold a foreign bachelor's degree: 28 February 2025
(30 April 2025 for candidates that hold a Swiss bachelor's degree at the start of the next academic year AND, according to their nationality, are not subject to a visa for entry into Switzerland for more than 90 days, according to Swiss government requirements and regardless of their current place of residence, or for candidates holding a Swiss residence permit that is valid beyond 30 April.)

The Master of Dental Medicine

4 semesters (max. 6 semesters) | 120 ECTS credits
First and second-year courses (120 credits):
  • Clinical training: preventative dentistry; cariology; endodontics; medicine and oral pathology; orthodontics; oral surgery; biomaterials; fixed prosthesis and gnathology; geriatric dentistry and dentures; radiology/radiation protection; paediatric dentistry; periodonctics; maxillo-facial surgery; nose and throat
  • Master's thesis



Student testimonials

Professional Prospects

Given the highly specialised nature of the dentistry programme, most graduates remain in the field and work in private dental practices. Others choose a research orientation or find work in a clinic attached to a social, school, or hospital service.

Contact information

Mr Giovanni Rocca
T. +41 (0)22 379 41 77
[javascript protected email address]

The Master of

is primarily taught at Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) or affiliated institutions. Theoretical and practical courses are integrated into clinical training modules and focus on clinical procedures and on learning and applying skills in a variety of disciplines, such as internal medicine, community medicine and primary care, paediatrics, surgery, psychiatry or obstetrics and gynaecology. Some disciplines are crosscutting and studied throughout the programme (e.g. radiology, pathology, clinical pharmacology, forensic medicine, interprofessionality and ethics). The third year of the Master's programme is devoted to clinical practice during which students do rotations to strengthen their skills and gain experience.

In accordance with the Swiss federal law on health-care professions (LPMed), all examinations take place on a faculty level, with the exception of those that take place after conferral of the Master's degree, which are federal and common to all Swiss medicine faculties (Federal Examination in Human Medicine - EFMH).

The Master of

is primarily taught at Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) or affiliated institutions. Theoretical and practical courses are integrated into clinical training modules and focus on clinical procedures and on learning and applying skills in a variety of disciplines, such as internal medicine, community medicine and primary care, paediatrics, surgery, psychiatry or obstetrics and gynaecology. Some disciplines are crosscutting and studied throughout the programme (e.g. radiology, pathology, clinical pharmacology, forensic medicine, interprofessionality and ethics). The third year of the Master's programme is devoted to clinical practice during which students do rotations to strengthen their skills and gain experience.

In accordance with the Swiss federal law on health-care professions (LPMed), all examinations take place on a faculty level, with the exception of those that take place after conferral of the Master's degree, which are federal and common to all Swiss medicine faculties (Federal Examination in Human Medicine - EFMH).

Programme length

3 years (6 semesters)

Language of instruction

Working knowledge of English required for reading scientific texts.

Enrolment and Admission Conditions


Deadline for candidates that hold a foreign bachelor's degree: 28 February 2025
(30 April 2025 for candidates that hold a Swiss bachelor's degree at the start of the next academic year AND, according to their nationality, are not subject to a visa for entry into Switzerland for more than 90 days, according to Swiss government requirements and regardless of their current place of residence, or for candidates holding a Swiss residence permit that is valid beyond 30 April.)

The Master of Medicine

6 semesters (max. 10 semesters) | 180 ECTS credits
First, second and third-year courses (180 credits):
  • Introduction to the clinical approach
  • Clinical training: internal medicine; paediatrics; surgery; obstetrics and gynaecology; psychiatry; community medicine and primary care; neurology; neurosurgery; emergency and intensive care; otorhinolaryngology; ophthalmology; dermatology
  • Unit of synthesis, of integration and therapeutic 1
  • Crosscutting disciplines
  • Interprofessional education 2
  • Master's thesis
  • 10 months of elective rotations (Internist medicine, paediatrics, surgery, etc.) including 1 month with a physician or pediatrician.
  • Unit of synthesis, of integration and therapeutic 2
  • Interprofessional education 3
The dissertation, worth 15 credits, can be based on a research project or case study in areas such as basic medicine, clinical medicine, public health or any other relevant field. Students are required to demonstrate their analytical and communication skills.
The Federal Examination in Human Medicine (EFMH) takes place after the conferral of the Master's in Medicine.


During the first and second year of the Master's programme, students may complete part of their clinical training abroad. Third-year students may do clinical internships at foreign hospitals (for up to five months). The Faculty of Medicine offers two-month internships in tropical medicine and international health, including in Cameroon and Nepal.

See also internships SEMP (Swiss European Mobility Program):

Professional Prospects

Studies in human medicine prepare graduates for specific activities in numerous professional fields. Graduates generally begin their professional careers as internal medicine doctors before, in some cases, going on to become clinical chiefs of hospitals or outpatient facilities with a view to pursuing the post-graduate qualification of federal specialist. Many graduates end up working in private or group practices, and some go on to careers in hospitals or at university.
But there are many other professional opportunities as well: 

  • Positions in international or non-governmental organisations
  • Role of expert for insurance and health insurance companies, in connection with legal/employment issues 
  • Positions in medical call centres 
  • Medical journalism 
  • Research in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries 
  • IT and medical statistics
  • Non-clinical teaching/research at university

Contact information

Ms Barbara Broers
T. +41 (0)22 379 50 13
[javascript protected email address]

The Master in
Global Health

of the University of Geneva is a two year full time programme which aims to study contemporary health issues from interdisciplinary and international perspectives. The MScGH mission is to provide students the toolbox to understand and analyse health issues whose determinants are interlinked and whose complexity transcends borders and sectors of activity.
In our interdependent world, significant health issues such as emerging and remerging infectious diseases, the rise of chronic conditions, and the impact of climate change on health are intersectoral and transnational challenges which require collaboration and cooperation among multiple actors. To respond to these challenges, new educational opportunities are needed in addition to traditional training programmes in medicine or public health.
The MScGH seeks to combine the most relevant approaches on global health drawing on the perspectives of all relevant academic disciplines and global health actors based in Geneva. The MScGH is specifically designed to take advantage of the rich international environment of Geneva. It provides an opportunity to study where many health issues are discussed at the global level and to accomplish practical training in different setting such as NGOs and international organizations.

The Master in
Global Health

of the University of Geneva is a two year full time programme which aims to study contemporary health issues from interdisciplinary and international perspectives. The MScGH mission is to provide students the toolbox to understand and analyse health issues whose determinants are interlinked and whose complexity transcends borders and sectors of activity.
In our interdependent world, significant health issues such as emerging and remerging infectious diseases, the rise of chronic conditions, and the impact of climate change on health are intersectoral and transnational challenges which require collaboration and cooperation among multiple actors. To respond to these challenges, new educational opportunities are needed in addition to traditional training programmes in medicine or public health.
The MScGH seeks to combine the most relevant approaches on global health drawing on the perspectives of all relevant academic disciplines and global health actors based in Geneva. The MScGH is specifically designed to take advantage of the rich international environment of Geneva. It provides an opportunity to study where many health issues are discussed at the global level and to accomplish practical training in different setting such as NGOs and international organizations.

Programme length

2 years (4 semesters)

Language of instruction


Passive knowledge of French is recommended. Academic work may be submitted in either English or French. The entire programme can be followed in English, and some of the third semester specialisation courses may be available only in English as well.

Conditions of registration

Admission Conditions

Bachelor or equivalent degree.
Admission based on application file.
The MScGH welcomes application from students interested in global health with a background in any academic discipline.


Deadline: 28 February 2025

The Master in Global Health

4 semesters* (max. 6 semesters) | 120 ECTS credits
Disciplinary and methodological foundations (30 credits):
3 Disciplinary courses  (18 credits)
2 Methodological seminars  (12 credits)
Interdisciplinary integration of knowledge (30 credits):
Required interdisciplinary courses.
Specialization (30 credits):
Variable with at least one methodological seminar.
Applying knowledge and skills (30 credits):
Master Thesis and work placement/internship.

Upon validation by the program coordinator, students who already hold a Master's degree related to the themes addressed in the program may request equivalencies for the 3rd semester of the program, up to 30 credits. This request is made during the first year, after students have been accepted into the program.


Student testimonials



Master's students are permitted to go on exchange for one semester maximum, as early as their third semester of study, and may earn no more than 30 credits at another university. Neither the thesis nor the internship cannot be substituted.

Professional Prospects

The MScGH aims to prepare students to work in organizations such as international organizations (e.g. WHO, UNICEF, ICRC...), civil society such as non-governmental organization (e.g. MSF, Care, Oxfam...), public sector at national (e.g. Ministry of health of foreign affairs, development agency) or local level (e.g. public health authorities), public private partnerships and private sector (e.g. pharmaceutical industry).

Contact information

Mr Bogomil Kohlbrenner
T. +41 (0)22 379 04 67
[javascript protected email address]

The Master in

is a joint programme of the Faculty of Psychology and Education, the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Science. It is managed by the Geneva University Neurocenter and focuses on theory, while also introducing students to scientific research and writing. The courses deal with brain function investigative techniques, neurobiology and cognitive and emotional processes. The programme is designed for students who want to work in neurosciences, including in hospitals and academia.


  • Methodology, signal analysis, statistics
  • Neurobiological fundamentals of cells and molecules
  • Cognitive and affective sciences

The Master in

is a joint programme of the Faculty of Psychology and Education, the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Science. It is managed by the Geneva University Neurocenter and focuses on theory, while also introducing students to scientific research and writing. The courses deal with brain function investigative techniques, neurobiology and cognitive and emotional processes. The programme is designed for students who want to work in neurosciences, including in hospitals and academia.


  • Methodology, signal analysis, statistics
  • Neurobiological fundamentals of cells and molecules
  • Cognitive and affective sciences

Programme length

1.5 years (3 semesters)

Languages of instruction

English, French

Conditions of registration

Admission Conditions

Bachelor of Science, Medicine or Psychology, or an equivalent degree.
Merit-based admission.


Deadline for enrolment at the University: 28 February 2025

The Master in Neuroscience

3 semesters (max. 5 semesters) | 90 ECTS credits
Required courses and electives (30 credits):
  • Principles of Neurobiology
  • Introduction to statistics and advanced statistics
  • Techniques for Investigating Brain Functions
  • Introduction to Cognitive and Affective Programing
  • Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology
  • Neurobiology of Vigilance States
  • PET and MRI Imaging in Neuroscience, etc.
Research project (60 credits)



Student testimonials


It is possible to fulfill some of the option requirements at another university. Students may also conduct research outside the university, under the supervision of a faculty member, or do a work placement at a leading external laboratory in order to complete their Master's degree.

Professional Prospects

The Master of Science in Neuroscience is designed to meet the needs of students with a Bachelor of Science in Medicine or Psychology, or an equivalent degree, who are looking for a career related to neuroscience in national and international research and/or teaching institutions, hospitals or academia. It can lead to a doctorate in neuroscience from the University of Lausanne (Lemanic Neuroscience Doctoral School) as well as further training at associate faculties, upon completion of prerequisites required by the given faculty.

Contact information

Ms Delphine Jochaut
T. +41 (0)22 379 52 28
[javascript protected email address]