The Master in
Sustainable societies and social change

addresses the role of society as central to transformations towards sustainability, offering conceptual handles and practical tools for better understanding how societies are organized and regulated, while delivering instruments for supporting social change. By bridging theory with practice, students gain access to key concepts and central themes - such as sustainable consumption and production dynamics, social movements and the role of organizations, or corporate responsibility and supply chain management. The course program builds core skills grounded in interdisciplinary approaches, including the role of different actors / sectors / processes towards sustainable social change. The methodological courses deliver competencies for working with both qualitative and quantitative methods, along with experiences in conducting applied research projects. Originally launched in 2011 as the Master in Standardization, Social Regulation and Sustainability, the role of sustainability standards remains a central theme, thanks to a partnership with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Programme length

2 years (4 semesters)

Language of instruction

Required classes are taught in English.

Conditions of registration

Admission Conditions

Bachelor's in Social Sciences or equivalent qualification, in addition to an English proficiency test.

Merit-based admission.


Deadline: 28 February 2025

The Master in Sustainable societies and social change

4 semesters (max. 6 semesters) | 120 ECTS credits
Required courses (72 credits):
  • Sustainability: Concepts and Critiques
  • Sustainability and Standardization: Theory and Practice
  • Cities and Social Change
  • Corporate Sustainability and Cross-Sector Partnerships
  • Sociology of Organizations meets Sustainability Issues
  • Governance of Global Supply Chains
  • Nature, Labour and Capital Globalization
  • Governing sustainability: expertise, innovation and conflict
  • Participatory Methods: Engaging People in the Climate Crisis
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Workshop: Sustainable Consumption and Social Change
Electives (24 credits)
Master's thesis or internship report (24 credits)


Master's students are permitted to go on exchange for one semester. Students may go on exchange from their 3rd semester but may earn no more than 30 credits at the host faculty. The Master's thesis may not be substituted.

Professional Prospects

Since the launch of the program in 2011, close to 100 alumni have gone on to find careers in the public and private sector, as well as among international organizations - in Switzerland and internationally. A 2016 survey by our students found that a majority of our graduates were able to find a suitable job within six months of graduation. In 2019, a similar survey among alumni found that the internship opportunities during their studies were a valuable asset for their job search. The program benefits from an external Advisory Committee, made up of actors from public administration, the private sector, and from among International Organizations. The aim of the AC is to ensure the professional relevance of the program, and make links between the "world of work" and studies.

Contact information

Ms Yali Chen
T. +41 (0)22 379 89 66
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