Master in
Wealth Management

The Master in Wealth Management combines a professionally-oriented curriculum with sound theoretical and methodological training. This combination is essential to gain in-depth knowledge of both wealth management and the financial sector in general, and to contribute to their evolution, in particular through research.

The programme includes required classes, two possible specialisations (finance and law) and electives in subjects such as risk management, financial asset selection and valuation, international finance, and banking and financial law.


  • Finance
  • Law

Programme length

1.5 years (3 semesters)

Languages of instruction


Conditions of registration

Admission Conditions

Complementary program (1 year) or co-required can be requested.


Deadline: 28 February 2025

Master in Wealth Management

3 semesters (max. 5 semesters) | 90 ECTS credits
Core courses (36 credits):

Financial Economics; Financial Econometrics; Portfolio Management; Quantitative Risk Management; Hedge Funds; Fixed Income and Credit Risk

Two Available Concentrations (24 credits):

Finance Concentration:

Advanced Investments; Derivatives and Structured Products; Global Asset Management; International Macroeconomics; Models and Empirical Methods for Asset Pricing; Real Estate Investment; Stochastic Processes in Finance; Sustainable Finance

Law concentration:

Droit des sociétés cotées et des marchés financiers; Droit fiscal international et comparé; Economics Analysis of Law; Fiscalité de l'entreprise; Fiscalité des personnes physiques; International Arbitration; Introduction to the Law of Trusts; Services financiers: conseil en placement et gestion de fortune; Surveillance des banques et établissements financiers

Electives (12 credits)
Master Thesis or Internship Thesis (18 credits)


Student testimonials



Master students at the GSEM may go on exchange as early as their third semester, for one semester. They may earn up to 30 credits while on exchange.

Professional Prospects

Graduates find work in all sectors both in Switzerland and abroad. Given the nature of the Geneva economy, opportunities are usually found in banking, financial institutions, fiduciaries, consulting firms, insurance companies, local and international manufacturing, international trading companies (e.g. commodities trading, product distribution), international or global organisations (e.g. ICRC, UNHCR, WTO) and public administration.

Contact information

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