The Master in
Earth Sciences

offers a multidisciplinary curriculum combining fundamental sciences and practical applications, which will give the tools needed to become a versatile key player in the transition to a sustainable future. The highly varied programme provides cutting-edge knowledge in a wide range of topics from the deep Earth, geobiosphere, and climatology, to geological risks, geoenergies, and mineral resources. Flexibility in choosing courses and internships allows to adapt the curriculum to interests of the students. The interactive teaching combines lectures, practical work and numerous excursions to natural sites in the Alps and abroad. It is delivered by specialists in Earth and environmental sciences from the universities of Lausanne and Geneva (Ecole lémanique des sciences de la Terre - ELSTE), who are at the forefront of development in their research fields, ensuring a modern approach to Earth sciences. The new programme, which has been fundamentally reworked, comes into effect in the autumn semester of 2022.

Programme length

2 years (4 semesters)

Languages of instruction


Conditions of registration

Admission Conditions

A Bachelor in Earth and/or Environmental Sciences or a degree deemed equivalent, upon completion of up to 18 credits of supplementary courses.


Deadline for candidates that hold a foreign bachelor's degree: 28 February 2025
(30 April 2025 for candidates that hold a Swiss bachelor's degree at the start of the next academic year AND, according to their nationality, are not subject to a visa for entry into Switzerland for more than 90 days, according to Swiss government requirements and regardless of their current place of residence, or for candidates holding a Swiss residence permit that is valid beyond 30 April.)

The Master in Earth Sciences

4 semesters (max. 6 semesters) | 120 ECTS credits
Required courses and field work (20 credits)
Required courses and field work, limited electives (40 credits)
Free electives (10 credits)
Research and dissertation (50 credits)



Student testimonials


Students may earn up to 30 credits while on exchange. They may also conduct research outside the university, under the supervision of a faculty member, or do a work placement at a leading external laboratory in order to complete their Master's degree.

Professional Prospects

The Master in Earth Sciences provide the opportunity to acquire a wide range of interdisciplinary skills, including oral and written communication, critical thinking, the ability to analyse and summarise, carrying out a piece of original research, and adopting a comprehensive approach integrating observations and measurement in the field with laboratory or modeling data. Skills, combined with specialist knowledge, equip our students to pursue high-level careers after their studies in numerous sectors, including:

  • Research and teaching (PhDthesisfollowed by an academic career in Switzerland or abroad)
  • Applied geology companies
  • Environmental assessments
  • Assessment and management of natural resources
  • Geoenergies
  • Materials and geomaterials industry
  • Geological risks and insurance
  • Cantonal and federal administration
  • Environmental and social NGOs

Contact information

Mr Joël Ruch
T. +41 (0)22 379 66 49
[javascript protected email address]