The Master in
Public Management

The Master's in Public Management is an interdisciplinary programme with strong European and international foundations. It is a point of intersection between the academic and professional worlds, and helps students to master the tools and principles of effective and efficient management of public policy and organisations. It offers a critical examination of the current re-evaluation of the role of the State and the various proposals to reform government, liberalise public services, and privatise public companies. Students may complete a work placement in lieu of a thesis.

This Master's programme is the sole Swiss partner of the prestigious EMPA (European Master in Public Administration) network, which includes around ten institutions renowned for their public management studies programmes. Students of the Master's in Public Management may spend one semester at a partner university. In addition to the Master's from UNIGE, students have the possibility of obtaining the European EMPA degree.

Programme length

2 years (4 semesters)

Language of instruction


Working knowledge of English and passive knowledge of German are recommended.

Merit-based admission.


Conditions of registration

Admission Conditions

A Bachelor in Political Science, Law, Economics or an equivalent degree in another field.

Merit-based admission.


Deadline: 28 February 2025

The Master in Public Management

4 semesters (max. 6 semesters) | 120 ECTS credits
Required courses (60 credits):
  • Comparative Public Policy
  • Public Finances
  • Economic Policy
  • Comparative Politics
  • Drafting Legislation
  • Comparative Studies of Government Agencies
  • Public Policy Evaluation, etc.
Available concentrations (30 credits):
  • Mention Management:
    Contrôle de l'administration; Management of International Organizations, etc.
  • Mention Europe et relations internationales:
    théorie de l'intégration économique européenne; les singularités du droit européen, etc.
  • Mention Politiques sociales:
    Socioéconomie des politiques sociales; droit de la sécurité sociales, etc.
  • Mention Communication politique:
    Communication corporate, citoyenneté numérique, etc.
  • Mention Future Cities and Regions:
    Public Policies for Spatial Justice; Cities and Social Change, etc.
Master or Work Placement Thesis (30 credits)






Master's students are permitted to go on exchange for one semester. Students may go on exchange as early as their third semester but may earn no more than 30 credits at another university. The dissertation cannot be substituted.

Professional Prospects

A Master in Public Management leads to a number of opportunities both in Switzerland and abroad in:

  • Public administrations at the European or Swiss federal, cantonal or local level 
  • Public companies 
  • International organisations
  • NGOs in various sectors 
  • Civil society
  • Monitoring bodies
  • Parliamentary support services 
  • Private consulting
  • Print, audio-visual and electronic media 
  • Communications 
  • Public relations 
  • Human resources 
  • Teaching and scientific research

Contact information

Mr Gaetan Clavien
T. +41 (0)22 379 80 05
[javascript protected email address]