The Master in
Political Science

is a natural extension of the Bachelor in Political Science. It is designed to strengthen the training acquired at the Bachelor level, to develop research skills in political science and to prepare students for the next stage of their professional development, whether they choose to enter the labour market or pursue an academic career. This Master's programme offers students a choice of three specialisations composed of three courses in their chosen area of specialisation and two required methodology courses.


  • Political Behaviour
  • Comparative and International Politics
  • Political Theory

Programme length

1.5 years (3 semesters)

Languages of instruction

French, English

Conditions of registration

Admission Conditions

A Bachelor in Political Science, International Relations Orientation International Policy or an equivalent degree in another field, upon successful completion of co-requisite courses (6 to 30 credits) or a 60 credits complementary programme.


Deadline: 28 February 2025

The Master in Political Science

3 semesters (max. 5 semesters | 90 ECTS credits
Required courses (36 credits):

Themes and methodology, according to specialisation:

  • International Politics
  • International Relations and Domestic Politics
  • Comparative Politics
  • Electoral Behaviour: From Classical Approaches to Cognitive Psychology
  • Social Movements
  • Political Behaviour: Institutions, Parties and Campaigns
  • Issues in Political Theory
  • Theories of Citizenship, Justice and Multiculturalism
  • Normative Political Theory
Option classes and electives (30 credits):
  • Institutions and Conflict
  • Research Placement
  • Democratic Innovations and Citizen Participation
  • Actors in the Policy Process
  • Political Economy of International Aid, etc.
Master's thesis or work placement dissertation (24 credits)






Master's students are permitted to go on exchange for one semester. Students may go on exchange as early as their second semester but may earn no more than 30 credits at another university. The dissertation cannot be substituted.

Professional Prospects

A Master in Political Science leads to a number of opportunities both in Switzerland and abroad in: 

  • Public administration
  • NGOs
  • Banking and insurance 
  • Print, audio-visual and electronic media 
  • Communications 
  • Public relations 
  • Human resources 
  • International organisations
  • Civil society
  • Academic research and teaching

Contact information

Mr Gaetan Clavien
T. +41 (0)22 379 80 05
[javascript protected email address]