The Master in
Prehistoric Archaeology

addresses themes such as general prehistory, the prehistory and protohistory of Europe and Africa, ethnoarchaeology, theoretical archaeology, palaeoanthropology and archaeozoology. Close ties have been established with the Biology and Earth and Environmental Sciences programmes. Archaeological digs form a significant part of the curriculum. There is also a focus on learning analytical methods and techniques, emphasising the links between theory and practice.

Programme length

2 years (4 semesters)

Languages of instruction

French, English

Conditions of registration

Admission Conditions

A Bachelor in Prehistoric Archaeology, Archaeology, Prehistory or a degree deemed equivalent. Completion of complementary credits could be asked.


Deadline for candidates that hold a foreign bachelor's degree: 28 February 2024
(30 April 2024 for candidates that hold a Swiss bachelor's degree at the start of the next academic year AND, according to their nationality, are not subject to a visa for entry into Switzerland for more than 90 days, according to Swiss government requirements and regardless of their current place of residence, or for candidates holding a Swiss residence permit that is valid beyond 30 April.)

The Master in Prehistoric Archaeology

4 semesters (max. 8 semesters) | 120 ECTS credits
Required courses (18 credits):
  • Theoretical Archaeology
  • Ethnoarchaeology
  • Archaeozoology
  • Palaeoanthropology
  • Archaeological excavations
Restricted Electives (3 of 4 courses) (18 credits):
  • Neolithic Europe
  • Europe in the Bronze and Iron Ages
  • Paleolithic and Neolithic of Africa
  • Protohistory of Africa
Electives (24 credits):
The choices must be approved by the person in charge of MA dissertation.
Dissertation (60 credits)


Student testimonials



Students may earn up to 30 credits while on exchange. They may also conduct research outside the university, under the supervision of a faculty member, or do a work placement at a leading external laboratory in order to complete their Master's degree.

Professional Prospects

The Master in Prehistoric Archaeology leads to a number of professions both in Switzerland and abroad, including:

  • Archaeologist (notably in the cantonal archaeological services, rescue archaeology research institutions, rescue archaeology firms and international rescue archaeology programmes in Africa)
  • Teacher and scientific researcher
  • Museum curator
  • Culture, etc.

Contact information

Ms Marie Besse
T. +41 (0)22 379 69 15
[javascript protected email address]

Mme Anne Mayor
T. +41 (0)22 379 69 49
[javascript protected email address]