The Master in
Special Education, Concentration in Early Childhood Special Education

is a joint programme between the University of Geneva and the Vaud Canton Teacher Training College. It offers basic training on how to provide preventative and educational support to children between the ages 0 to 6 whose development is jeopardised, altered or impaired and intervene accordingly in family and social settings. The programme offers solid theoretical and practical training through a range of core courses in special education as well as psychology, medicine, sociology and law components relevant to early childhood special education.

The curriculum is designed to address the challenges of early childhood special education, primarily through the earliest possible intervention with children and their families as a means of prevention and social inclusion; comprehensive analysis of the context of each individual situation; an interdisciplinary approach; a network system primarily focused on working with families; and a solid theoretical background that allows students to assess institutional and individual projects, the methods employed and the criteria for evaluating implemented measures.

Programme length

1.5 years (3 semesters)

Language of instruction

Passive knowledge of English is required.

Conditions of registration

Admission Conditions

This course is open to candidates who fulfil the general admission requirements of the University of Geneva and the HEP Vaud. Candidates must hold an ordinary pre-school and primary school teaching diploma (Bachelor's level) or a BA in Speech Therapy or Psychomotricity. Access is also available to candidates with a Bachelor's degree in a related field of study, in particular Educational Sciences, Social Education, Special Education, Psychology or Occupational Therapy, on condition that they take supplementary study courses. Candidates must also show that they have a minimum of 300 hours of professional experience in the children-family or children-community domain with children from 0 to 8 years old.

Prospective students may apply to the Vaud Canton Teacher Training College.

Merit-based admission.


Deadline: 31 March 2024

The Master in Special Education, Concentration in Early Childhood Special Education

3 semesters (max. 6 semesters) | 90 ECTS credits
Theory (18 credits):
  • Inclusive education
  • Parent-professional cooperation
  • Early childhood education and atypical development
Practice (21 credits):
  • Internship focused on the child and its family
  • Internship focused on child and community
  • Application and use of approved assessment and intervention methods
Capstone Seminars (12 credits):
  • Professional Identity and Networks
  • Around Birth
  • Specific Educational Situations
  • Further Studies in Early Childhood Special Education
Research preparation (15 credits)
Dissertation (24 credits)


Students may go on exchange regardless of how many credits they have completed at the Faculty. A maximum of 30 credits can be acquired outside the Faculty.

Professional Prospects

Upon completion of the programme, students obtain a Master in Special Education with a Concentration in Early Childhood Special Education and a Diploma in Special Education with a Concentration in Early Childhood Special Education.

This programme teaches future graduates to:

  • Support children within at home or in early childhood care facilities;
  • Work with parents or other people involved in the education of these children to assess their development and to define and achieve a number of support and education goals;
  • Detect the factors that limit or jeopardise children's development early on.

The diploma is a protected professional degree that enable graduates to practise in Switzerland.

Contact information

Ms Pascale Pasche-Provini
T. +41 (0)22 379 90 11
[javascript protected email address]

Mr Jean-Marc Böhlen
[javascript protected email address]