The Master in
Innovation, Human Development and Sustainability (MIHDS)

The MIHDS stems from a partnership between the University of Geneva and organizations from International Geneva in the framework of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This highly multidisciplinary Master's degree aims to train students to analyze problems and identify innovative solutions in terms of the governance of sustainability. The curriculum contains a high proportion of practical courses (project workshops), but also fundamental courses on sustainability development in all its dimensions (social, economic, and environmental). This Master's programme was created in partnership with Tsinghua University (Beijing). Students can apply either to the Dual or the Single track. The Dual track links two complementary programs, one in Geneva and the other in Beijing (minimum 1 year each), to earn two diplomas after two and a half years of study. Students of the Single track (UNIGE diploma) are required to do an exchange semester at one of the partner universities (currently Tsinghua, Ashoka, Bogotá, Dakar, Exeter, Los Angeles, Medellín, Pisa, Sydney, Yonsei).


  • Sustainable Human Development
  • Sustainable consumption, production and organizations
  • Future cities and regions

Programme length

2 years (4 semesters) for the standard program, Single Degree track program

3 years (6 semesters) for the special Dual Degree track, leading to both a diploma from UNIGE and a diploma from Tsinghua University

Language of instruction


Conditions of registration

Admission Conditions

Wide range of Bachelor's degrees, including Political Science, Economics, Geography, Environment, Information Technologies, Engineering, or Applied Sciences.
English language certificate .
Merit-based admission.


Deadline: 28 February 2024

The Master in Innovation, Human Development and Sustainability (MIHDS)

4 semesters (max. 6 semesters) | 120 ECTS credits
Compulsory core courses (24 credits):
  • Sustainable Development and Political Innovation
  • Workshop: Innovation for Sustainable Development
  • Research and Innovation Methodology
Elective core courses (12 credits):

16 courses, including for example:

  • Social and environmental dilemmas in capitalism
  • Theories and issues of Global Justice
Specialization (30 credits):
  • 1 Compulsory Workshop per Specialization (12 credits)
  • 1 Compulsory Course per Specialization (6 credits)
  • Specialisation electives (12 credits)
Mobility (30 credits):

1 year at Tsinghua University (Dual degree)
1 semester at a partner university (Single degree) University of Exeter, Lund University, Universita degli Studi Pisa, Université Cheikh Anta Diop/Dakar, Tsinghua University (Beijing and Shenzhen), Yonsei University, University of Sydney, Universidad Los Andes/Bogota, EAFIT/Medellin

Master's thesis or Internship's thesis/report (24 credits)


Dual Degree track students spend 1 year in Tsinghua University, and do their Master's thesis under the supervision of a Tsinghua professor. Single Degree track students spend the third semester of the Master in one of the partner universities.

Professional Prospects

Students acquire theoretical and practical skills that allow them to apply in UN agencies, NGOs, the public sector (national, regional and local administrations) and the private sector.



Contact information

Ms Yali Chen
T. +41 (0)22 379 89 66
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