The Master in
Chemical Biology

prepares students to think beyond the state of the art. Specifically, students will learn how to probe biological problems at the molecular level using innovative chemistry and biophysical approaches. Students will receive individualized and highly interdisciplinary (biology, chemistry, biochemistry and biophysics) training from world-renowned researchers. The curriculum is primarily centred on practical teaching in a research environment. Numerous internships are offered in a variety of laboratories; these are allocated according to a programme that takes into consideration the undergraduate qualification, interests and goals of each student. A high student-teacher ratio ensures a quality framework. The Degree is awarded by the University of Geneva in collaboration with the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).

Master fellowships
One fellowship supported by a partnering foundation are open to talented and highly motivated students who wish to pursue a Master in Chemical Biology. Candidate selection is based on excellence and motivation. Citizens from Lebanon, Switzerland, Italy and India have priority. Additional merit fellowships are available.
Deadline for applications: as for the UNIGE enrolment.

Programme length

1.5 years (3 semesters)

Language of instruction


Conditions of registration

Admission Conditions

A Bachelor in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Biochemistry or a degree deemed equivalent upon review of the application, subject to supplementary classes and prerequisites for certain degrees.


Deadline for candidates that hold a foreign bachelor's degree: 28 February 2025
(30 April 2025 for candidates that hold a Swiss bachelor's degree at the start of the next academic year AND, according to their nationality, are not subject to a visa for entry into Switzerland for more than 90 days, according to Swiss government requirements and regardless of their current place of residence, or for candidates holding a Swiss residence permit that is valid beyond 30 April.)


The Master in Chemical Biology

3 semesters (max. 6 semesters) | 90 ECTS credits
Required Courses (25 credits):
  • Current Topics in Chemical Biology and Biochemistry
  • Frontiers in Chemical Biology
  • Tutorial in Chemical Biology
  • Microscopy and Imaging Course

Courses are scheduled at UNIGE or EPFL.

Electives (5 credits):

Include courses at either UNIGE or EPFL and include:

  • Elements of bioinformatics
  • Nanobiotechnologie and Biophysics
  • Image Processing
  • Drug Discovery and Development
  • Cellular Signaling
  • Macromolecular Structure and Interactions, etc.
Two Practical Placements and dissertation (60 credits)


During their Master's degree, students may also conduct a lab internship in a leading laboratory outside the University and under the joint supervision of the director of the education committee in charge of the program.

Professional Prospects

The Master in Chemical Biology leads to a number of opportunities both in Switzerland and abroad, including: 

  • Academic research (doctorate, post-doctorate)
  • Medical research
  • Private sector research, development and production
  • Regulatory affairs and scientific patents
  • Administration and sales, etc.

Contact information

Mr Robbie Loewith
T. +41 (0)22 379 61 16
[javascript protected email address]

Ms Paraskevi-Ioanna Linardou
T. +41 (0)22 379 61 90
[javascript protected email address]